MyGUI  3.2.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This source file is part of MyGUI. For the latest info, see
3  * Distributed under the MIT License
4  * (See accompanying file COPYING.MIT or copy at
5  */
10 #include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
11 #include "MyGUI_ITexture.h"
12 #include "MyGUI_IFont.h"
15 # include <ft2build.h>
16 # include FT_FREETYPE_H
19 namespace MyGUI
20 {
23  public IFont
24  {
27  public:
29  virtual ~ResourceTrueTypeFont();
31  virtual void deserialization(xml::ElementPtr _node, Version _version);
33  // Returns the glyph info for the specified code point, or the glyph info for a substitute glyph if the code point does not
34  // exist in this font. Returns nullptr if there is a problem with the font.
35  virtual GlyphInfo* getGlyphInfo(Char _id);
37  virtual ITexture* getTextureFont();
39  // получившаяся высота при генерации в пикселях
40  virtual int getDefaultHeight();
42  // Returns a collection of code-point ranges that are supported by this font. Each range is specified as [first, second];
43  // for example, a range containing a single code point will have the same value for both first and second.
44  std::vector<std::pair<Char, Char> > getCodePointRanges() const;
46  // Returns the code point that is used as a substitute for code points that don't exist in the font. The default substitute
47  // code point is FontCodeType::NotDefined, but it can be customized in the font definition file.
48  Char getSubstituteCodePoint() const;
50  // создаение ресурса по текущим значениям
51  void initialise();
53  void setSource(const std::string& _value);
54  void setSize(float _value);
55  void setResolution(uint _value);
56  void setHinting(const std::string& _value);
57  void setAntialias(bool _value);
58  void setTabWidth(float _value);
59  void setOffsetHeight(int _value);
60  void setSubstituteCode(int _value);
61  void setDistance(int _value);
63  void addCodePointRange(Char _first, Char _second);
64  void removeCodePointRange(Char _first, Char _second);
67  private:
68  enum Hinting
69  {
70  HintingUseNative,
71  HintingForceAuto,
72  HintingDisableAuto,
73  HintingDisableAll
74  };
76  void addCodePoint(Char _codePoint);
77  void removeCodePoint(Char _codePoint);
79  void clearCodePoints();
81  // The following variables are set directly from values specified by the user.
82  std::string mSource; // Source (filename) of the font.
83  float mSize; // Size of the font, in points (there are 72 points per inch).
84  uint mResolution; // Resolution of the font, in pixels per inch.
85  Hinting mHinting; // What type of hinting to use when rendering the font.
86  bool mAntialias; // Whether or not to anti-alias the font by copying its alpha channel to its luminance channel.
87  float mSpaceWidth; // The width of a "Space" character, in pixels. If zero, the default width is used.
88  int mGlyphSpacing; // How far apart the glyphs are placed from each other in the font texture, in pixels.
89  float mTabWidth; // The width of the "Tab" special character, in pixels.
90  int mOffsetHeight; // How far up to nudge text rendered in this font, in pixels. May be negative to nudge text down.
91  Char mSubstituteCodePoint; // The code point to use as a substitute for code points that don't exist in the font.
93  // The following variables are calculated automatically.
94  int mDefaultHeight; // The nominal height of the font in pixels.
95  GlyphInfo* mSubstituteGlyphInfo; // The glyph info to use as a substitute for code points that don't exist in the font.
96  MyGUI::ITexture* mTexture; // The texture that contains all of the rendered glyphs in the font.
98  // The following constants used to be mutable, but they no longer need to be. Do not modify their values!
99  static const int mDefaultGlyphSpacing; // How far apart the glyphs are placed from each other in the font texture, in pixels.
100  static const float mDefaultTabWidth; // Default "Tab" width, used only when tab width is no specified.
101  static const float mSelectedWidth; // The width of the "Selected" and "SelectedBack" special characters, in pixels.
102  static const float mCursorWidth; // The width of the "Cursor" special character, in pixels.
104  private:
105  // A map of code points to glyph indices.
106  typedef std::map<Char, FT_UInt> CharMap;
108  // A map of glyph indices to glyph info objects.
109  typedef std::map<FT_UInt, GlyphInfo> GlyphMap;
111  // A map of glyph heights to the set of paired glyph indices and glyph info objects that are of that height.
112  typedef std::map<FT_Pos, std::map<FT_UInt, GlyphInfo*> > GlyphHeightMap;
114  template<bool LAMode, bool Antialias>
115  void initialiseFreeType();
117  // Loads the font face as specified by mSource, mSize, and mResolution. Automatically adjusts code-point ranges according
118  // to the capabilities of the font face.
119  // Returns a handle to the FreeType face object for the face, or nullptr if the face could not be loaded.
120  // Keeps the font file loaded in memory and stores its location in _fontBuffer. The caller is responsible for freeing this
121  // buffer when it is done using the face by calling delete[] on the buffer after calling FT_Done_Face() on the face itself.
122  FT_Face loadFace(const FT_Library& _ftLibrary, uint8*& _fontBuffer);
124  // Wraps the current texture coordinates _texX and _texY to the beginning of the next line if the specified glyph width
125  // doesn't fit at the end of the current line. Automatically takes the glyph spacing into account.
126  void autoWrapGlyphPos(int _glyphWidth, int _texWidth, int _lineHeight, int& _texX, int& _texY);
128  // Creates a GlyphInfo object using the specified information.
129  GlyphInfo createFaceGlyphInfo(Char _codePoint, int _fontAscent, FT_GlyphSlot _glyph);
131  // Creates a glyph with the specified glyph index and assigns it to the specified code point.
132  // Automatically updates _glyphHeightMap, mCharMap, and mGlyphMap with data from the new glyph..
133  int createGlyph(FT_UInt _glyphIndex, const GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo, GlyphHeightMap& _glyphHeightMap);
135  // Creates a glyph with the specified index from the specified font face and assigns it to the specified code point.
136  // Automatically updates _glyphHeightMap with data from the newly created glyph.
137  int createFaceGlyph(FT_UInt _glyphIndex, Char _codePoint, int _fontAscent, const FT_Face& _ftFace, FT_Int32 _ftLoadFlags, GlyphHeightMap& _glyphHeightMap);
139  // Renders all of the glyphs in _glyphHeightMap into the specified texture buffer using data from the specified font face.
140  template<bool LAMode, bool Antialias>
141  void renderGlyphs(const GlyphHeightMap& _glyphHeightMap, const FT_Library& _ftLibrary, const FT_Face& _ftFace, FT_Int32 _ftLoadFlags, uint8* _texBuffer, int _texWidth, int _texHeight);
143  // Renders the glyph described by the specified glyph info according to the specified parameters.
144  // Supports two types of rendering, depending on the value of UseBuffer: Texture block transfer and rectangular color fill.
145  // The _luminance0 value is used for even-numbered columns (from zero), while _luminance1 is used for odd-numbered ones.
146  template<bool LAMode, bool UseBuffer, bool Antialias>
147  void renderGlyph(GlyphInfo& _info, uint8 _luminance0, uint8 _luminance1, uint8 _alpha, int _lineHeight, uint8* _texBuffer, int _texWidth, int _texHeight, int& _texX, int& _texY, uint8* _glyphBuffer = nullptr);
149  CharMap mCharMap; // A map of code points to glyph indices.
150  GlyphMap mGlyphMap; // A map of glyph indices to glyph info objects.
152 #endif // MYGUI_USE_FREETYPE
154  };
156 } // namespace MyGUI