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MyGUI v3.2.0 Released!

Main changes in 3.2.0:

  • Improved font display:
    • Decreased texture memory usage (typically by 50% or more).
    • Added support for Windows FON/FNT bitmap fonts and for embedded SBIT bitmaps in TrueType fonts.
    • Added support for overlapping glyphs.
    • Simple text shadows added (optional).
    • Full FontViewer support to load and create new fonts.
  • Added a new SkinEditor tool.
  • Improved the LayoutEditor and FontEditor tools.
  • Made lots of other improvements and fixes.

More detailed changelog.


19 Responses to “MyGUI v3.2.0 Released!”

  1. joelly says:

    Does Mygui 3.2 support VS2010? I can’t set up its environment..

  2. Altren says:

    Yes, MyGUI support all platforms, that CMake does.
    And I’m using VS2010 for development.

  3. fo says:

    compile project “MyGuiEngine” failed
    my IDE is vs2005
    like this:
    2>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘δ°æ±¾¿ØÖÆ\.obj’

  4. Gordon says:

    Thanks for updating, good to see this is still worked on, thank you :)

  5. Our tasks are the presentation of our own capabilities.
    Perpetual optimism can be a force multiplier.

  6. lp says:

    There is a subject must support chinese.ResourceTrueTypeFont built 4096*4096 texture when it supports chinese creation.But at the same time, it uses MYGUI.In the old GUI we can’t use chinese.I hope you can add font paging processing in the next release version.Thanks.

  7. zhangke says:

    I need

  8. cvb says:

    Congrats; nice work!

  9. mark says:

    There is a bug with utf8/accent enabled keyboard layouts, see

  10. Dreamer says:


  11. yahia says:

    thanks a lot for this contents

  12. psychic says:

    What a great mesѕage on MyGUI v3.2.0 Released!

  13. ogre2013 says:

    if i have a (800 * 400 ) picture , my staticImage window which the size is 400 * 200.
    how to show the whole picture in the staticImage window. The staticImage window is only one small window .MY screen window is 800 * 600.

  14. Lukas says:

    Works great, big thanks!

  15. Ihmosky says:


    Thank you very much!Have great benefits from studying your code.
    Could you give us a simple tutorials about base samples and the description of XML docs,layout file,skin file,etc.
    PS:English or Chinese are better because I don’t understand Russian.

  16. Jeremy says:

    What is missing with the win32 demos preventing LayoutEditor and SkinEditor from running?

    The log
    10:58:23 | LayoutEditor | Error | Editor : ‘Failed to open XML file’ , file=’se_user_settings.xml’ , line=0 , col=0 | ..\..\..\..\my-gui\trunk\Tools\SkinEditor\SettingsManager.cpp | 60

  17. Altren says:

    This error would not prevent editors from starting. There must be is something else, that prevent start.

    Also use support forum if possible:

  18. Jeremy says:

    20:33:06 | Core | Critical | No root widget. ['PropertiesPanelView.layout] | D:/my-gui/trunk/Common\BaseLayout/BaseLayout.h | 119

  19. luis says:

    Hi! using MyGUI with Ogre 1.9, nice library, everything is working as expected.
    It’s a pitty to see how many users have lost Ogre in the past few years. I expect this library will still get support !

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